Monday 14 April 2014

As big as your arm!

Saw this monster enter a cave. Eyes as big as your arm, covered in fur, and the noise it made almost deafened me. I followed it in but it had gone. Probably heard me coming. Oh well, one less head for my trophy wall, but one less danger for Joe Average.

Dog Walk

Went for a walk with the dogs. Big mistake! Where's my


Time waits for no gnome

Time is a dirty cheat! It sneaks up on you unexpected when you are busy doing something else, but then hangs around like a bad smell when you have to wait for something. I think it is time it cleaned up its act. It cant hide its face behind its hands all the time. It should wait whilst we sleep, slow down when we need to think, and skip ahead all those boring bits. If it doesn't pull its weight it could get left behind, and without us, who would care about it?

First encounter

Hi, my adventures are daring, my life is at risk, like, all the time, and for some reason I have decided to share it all with you.
Recently returned from Vietnam, covertly of course - hidden in a mailing box - I immediately had to defend those around me from a blood thirsty dinosaur. Luckily I managed to even the odds using technology. It was a close battle but only one could be victorious. Anyone for a Dino-burger?